A Tale of A Tub


A Tale of A Tub is gesloten voor de installatie. We heropenen op 15 februari met The Drain door Brianna Leatherbury!

Image: Texture swatch of a metal surface from a 3D render program, sourced by Brianna Leatherbury.

Komende tentoonstelling

The Drain
15 februari – 4 mei, 2025

Gastschrijver: ANNIE VERDOOLD

Image: Texture swatch of a metal surface from a 3D render program, sourced by Brianna Leatherbury.


Zaterdag, 15 februari, 2025, 17.00 – 20.00

Exhibition Opening: BRIANNA LEATHERBURY: The Drain

Information Sesson

Donderdag, 13 maart, 2025, 18.30 – 20.00

Pension Planning Practicalities: An Introduction to financial planning for freelance and other arts workers with PETER VAN DEN BUNDER, CHRIS RIJTEN and JAY TAN